
My favorites animals

  Hello, in this occasion I will write about my favorites animals, they be tiger and american eagle, because since when I was kid that two animals have been my favorites and my mother always bought tigers and eagles toys for me. The tiger is a mammalian feline that lives only on the continent of Asia and is the largest feline species on the planet, even larger than the lion. It likes to inhabit dense forests and savannahs and usually lives solitary, unfortunately it is threatened by illegal hunting. I love this species because I find it a very beautiful animal and it is very important to protect it so that future generations can also get to know it. On the other hand, the American eagle is a species of bird of prey that lives mainly in North America, and is characteristic for its well-known black color and white head and is the national bird of the United States. It was on the verge of extinction but thanks to its protection today its population is very stabilized. Like the tig

My favorite subject in this semester

 In this semester, I enjoyed many subjects, organic chemistry and general farmacology for example, but analytic chemistry is the subject I more enojoyed. In this subject, we learned about how has a complete cualitative and cuantitave analysis about a  solid sample, for know everyone components of we sample, both cations and anions, where should we be attentive a change color in the sample, or if was formed a precipitate, should we be attentive because any minimum change can we deliver importan information of the composition of we sample . Also in this subject we learned how the pH and the  complexings concentration, (amoniac for example) can chamge the chemistry reactions, and we learned too how use this in our favour,because in occasions we has need selective precipitations in to a laboratory, and other example is when we has need perform selective reduction, where the protons and complexings concentrations are very important.   I like a lot of this asignature in large part by the tea
 Hello, this time I will write about a website related with my proffesional carrer, this website is called Chemequations.com and is a aweosome tool for the chemistry equations balance, is really awesome, because it carry this part of chemistry a other level and is completely free!! This website have the options add everyone reactants and productos we chemistry equation, and if we know only reactants of equation, this website show every equations that exists with the reactants that we have written, and show we the equations in thr balanced form. Therefore, this website too we can used for know and learn when we dont know the products that chemistry equations. In many tests, we know only reactants, and we had to deduct the products been formed. Also, if we press on some  a equation, the site show we the equiation type, the name everyone reactants an products and the appearance everyone in the real life. Actually, I no visit this website, because I have learn the processes balance chemist
In this occacion I will write of my favorite soccer player, about Leo Messi. Messi is a proffesional soccer player, he were born in Rosario, Argentina, and actually he is the soccer player Barcelona Futbol Club. Messi usually is called too who the best player of all time, because he has broken important records in in the soccer history, and also because he has remained in the soccer elite for 15 years. The Messi carrer is very awesome, he has won 5 times de UEFA Champions League, the most important tittle at club level and won 26 times La Liga, the most important thropie in Spain, and also won 6 times Ballon D'Or, the most important individual thropie, Messi is the soccer player more times won this tittle, the second is Cristiano Ronaldo, he has won this tittle 5 times. I dream with can to go Camp Nou, the Barcelona Stadium, yo be able to see Messi play a soccer match.
 My favorite  photo This is my favorite photo, for others persons is a normal photo about a green place, but for me is a photo brings me many regards. I taked this photo two years ago, with my celphone, in the my grandmother house, and shows the place where I lived when I was a kid, this zone is the south of Chile, in a place called Pilmaiquen, is a small town close Osorno. Previously, I spoken about I loved to South of Chile, an this photo brings me many regards my chlidhood, Really, I loved this place, I loved the lake and rivers I could visit for take a bathe, I loved these weeks with awesomes rains and electric storms, I loved go see the animals, the cows, visit the chicjen coop, climb the trees for eat varied fruits, specially cherries, be with my grandmother and my aunt, eat Sopaipillas, Kuchenes, Cheeses, field egss, be close wood stove. This regards are very important for me, they are memories when I not had others responsabilities but to be happy.

My favorite movie

-I like a lot of movies, but my favorite is the first movie of Transformers, the rest movies this saga I dont like, they are so bad. In this movie, I like very much the special effects and the robots,  the script is too bad, a lot of american patriotism, sexual jokes innecesaries that make very much worse the film, but exists something in this movie I love, I speak the soundtrack. -The tipe movies I like watch is varied, I dont have one especifict theme. But usually I see movies science fiction. -Uhm, the last movie I saw think is Taken, is very interesting and the principal characyer is Liam Nesson, one my favorites actors, because he too is the principal character in my second favorite movie, The Schindler's List. I recommend see Taken, is  a very good movie and is not very extense. -I think about Transformers is a great idea for movies, is a saga with very fans, but bad decisions were made. I am convinced that if in this saga correct decisions were made, this movies would have b
 This topic is difficult for my, because I like very much  thecnology pieces. I have a notebook, a smartphone, a Ps Vita and a Xbox One, but I think my favotite thecnology object is my Xbox One. The last year, I wanted buy some a console, my options were a PS4 or a Xbox One, and finally, I decided buy the Xbox, and I think this decision was correct. I use my Xbox for play different games, listen music in Spotify and watch movies or series in Netflix. My favorite games are shooter and aventure games, principaly I play Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed, I like very much play this games with friends, is so funny. The frecuency I use my Xbox depend if I have free times or no. I like the Xbox because is the piece with I can fun in my free times and not think in the online classes and the studies in general Really, I think my life without this thecnology object be the same, because is something that help me in my bore times, but is not very very important in fact.