
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2021
 My favorite  photo This is my favorite photo, for others persons is a normal photo about a green place, but for me is a photo brings me many regards. I taked this photo two years ago, with my celphone, in the my grandmother house, and shows the place where I lived when I was a kid, this zone is the south of Chile, in a place called Pilmaiquen, is a small town close Osorno. Previously, I spoken about I loved to South of Chile, an this photo brings me many regards my chlidhood, Really, I loved this place, I loved the lake and rivers I could visit for take a bathe, I loved these weeks with awesomes rains and electric storms, I loved go see the animals, the cows, visit the chicjen coop, climb the trees for eat varied fruits, specially cherries, be with my grandmother and my aunt, eat Sopaipillas, Kuchenes, Cheeses, field egss, be close wood stove. This regards are very important for me, they are memories when I not had others responsabilities but to be happy.

My favorite movie

-I like a lot of movies, but my favorite is the first movie of Transformers, the rest movies this saga I dont like, they are so bad. In this movie, I like very much the special effects and the robots,  the script is too bad, a lot of american patriotism, sexual jokes innecesaries that make very much worse the film, but exists something in this movie I love, I speak the soundtrack. -The tipe movies I like watch is varied, I dont have one especifict theme. But usually I see movies science fiction. -Uhm, the last movie I saw think is Taken, is very interesting and the principal characyer is Liam Nesson, one my favorites actors, because he too is the principal character in my second favorite movie, The Schindler's List. I recommend see Taken, is  a very good movie and is not very extense. -I think about Transformers is a great idea for movies, is a saga with very fans, but bad decisions were made. I am convinced that if in this saga correct decisions were made, this movies would have b
 This topic is difficult for my, because I like very much  thecnology pieces. I have a notebook, a smartphone, a Ps Vita and a Xbox One, but I think my favotite thecnology object is my Xbox One. The last year, I wanted buy some a console, my options were a PS4 or a Xbox One, and finally, I decided buy the Xbox, and I think this decision was correct. I use my Xbox for play different games, listen music in Spotify and watch movies or series in Netflix. My favorite games are shooter and aventure games, principaly I play Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed, I like very much play this games with friends, is so funny. The frecuency I use my Xbox depend if I have free times or no. I like the Xbox because is the piece with I can fun in my free times and not think in the online classes and the studies in general Really, I think my life without this thecnology object be the same, because is something that help me in my bore times, but is not very very important in fact.