
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2021
 When I was a kid, I wanted work in the Army,  or I  have would liked to be history teacher, this is very funny, because my actualy carreer is very diferent from those jobs, I never tought that I would study something with sciences, but with the time and experiences, I learned love my carreer. At the moment choosing carrer,I tought other options diferents of the Chemistry and Farmacy, but my fisrt option ever was always my actualy carreer, my second options was biochemistry and my third option was kinesiology. In the 2016, I haved the oportunity participate in the summer school of the University of Chile, in the my actualy facult. The course was about modern farmacology, at this moment, I realized that this was for me. My experience in the facult and the university is good, I like the campus, classroms and teachers, but I would liked more green zones in the campus. I wuold like work in the investigation. studying and discovering new drogs.
 Hi everybody, my name is Aranss Jesus Toro Alvial, I was born in 2000 in the south of Chile, in the Osorno city, I lived in this place when I was a kid, I love this part of the country because exist large green zones, many animals and many rivers and lakes.  Today I live in Santa Cruz, in the Colchagua province, famous zone for the vineyards and wines. When I was a kid and teen, I studied in the Manquemavida college, In this place, I haved greats teachers, friends and classmates. The name this college means Condores Nest in mapudungun. Actually I study Chemistry and Farmacy in the University of Chile, and I love my carreer, because I like very much the chemistry, biology and mathematics.  Abaout my family, I have two sisters, the biggest is 29 years old and the other is 27 years old. My biggest sister studied social work and my other sister studied languaje pathologist. I love my sisters, they are very important for me. In my free times, I like do very activities, for example play Cal